The rebirth of the former Tubettificio Europeo

Source: Il giornale di Lecco
From the former European Tubettificio on Corso Carlo Alberto: the rebirth is called Tecnocap.
Yes, because it was the multinational company from Cava dei Tirreni that acquired the property last year, even though Tecnocap had already been operating in the Pescarenico buildings since 2017 when it acquired the business and assets. The group, a leader in the production of metal packaging, aerosol cans, and metal closures for glass and plastic containers, increased production at the Lecco site by 30% in 2023 compared to the previous year. The buildings of the former tubettificio, which have undergone significant restructuring in recent years, now host more than 100 employees, half of whom are under 30. “This represents a significant impact on youth employment in the area,” say Managing Director Gerardo Nobile and Corporate Communication Antida Giordano, whom we met on-site. “Some of our employees come from the former Tubettificio – explains Nobile – and they represent a fundamental resource.” “We are in love with this production site,” adds Antida Giordano, “and our goal is to invest significant resources to make it grow even more and ensure that our experience revives the glorious origins of this place.” The complex (with a base auction price of 8.5 million euros) consists of two buildings – 12,538 sqm and 3,240 sqm respectively – and includes a warehouse, a workshop, a kitchen, the former cafeteria, two office buildings, and numerous related structures. And then there is the ex-Buratti shed (2,884 sqm). Currently, there are still two buildings that the company will have to work on, but Tecnocap assures that some important projects are already in the pipeline. Meanwhile, the Tecnocap Group looks to the future through online training. It has launched the Tecnocap Academy, a dedicated hub that starts as a pilot project in the Lecco plant and aims to be a catalyst for personal and professional growth through innovative means. This will allow young people to join the company and be operational within six months. “It is a dedicated digital platform aimed at providing the staff with the tools needed to update their skills in a constantly evolving world and keep pace with the transformations of the Tecnocap group, where growth and competitiveness increasingly depend on the spread of a conscious organizational culture,” they explain. “A qualifying and innovative aspect is represented by the training tutorials, which are conceived and produced directly by the Tecnocap Group’s training team, with the involvement of seniors and management in documentary video interviews, functional to the description of processes, skills acquired on the job, main standard procedures, and rules of conduct. Internal editing ensures the relevance of information and ensures consistency with the culture and values of the Group, and, above all, proves to be a very effective tool in the onboarding phase of new hires. Users can participate in distance learning courses, modulating times and methods according to their needs. Access to online content is guaranteed through all devices, and activities are monitored to evaluate progress and certify achievements.” Hence, the conclusions. “We are looking for personnel for both production and offices,” declares Nobile. “We believe in training and diversification. In fact, the production of aerosol cans and aluminum bottles at the Lecco site complements the core business of metal closures, strengthening Tecnocap’s role as a global player in the metal packaging sector.”