Tecnocap Ukraine held its Family Day from June 6-7, inviting the families of the outstanding employees to visit the workplaces and join them for a tour of the new production facility in Lviv Region.
The worldwide metal packaging manufacturer sponsored a team of both experienced racing cyclists and cycling enthusiasts among the employees of the production facility in Salerno, Italy.
Workers’ empowerment is a challenging topic for Tecnocap Group and the theme of continuous training has always played a role of primary importance for the world's third largest manufacturer of [...]
Tecnocap, the world’s third-largest manufacturer of metal caps and enclosures, has partnered with Wheeling Jesuit University again to award scholarships to two freshman engineering science majors.
Tecnocap, third worldwide player in the production of twist closures for glass jars, bottles and plastic containers for food and beverages, is passionately committed to sports activities, [...]